Digital Marketing Blog | Custom Creatives


Monday, February 17, 2014

Banner Ads - Tips for Clicks

Banner Ad Design Tips for Clicks

Custom Banner Ads by Custom Creatives

I just posted a blog on our company site, I will be updating it more regularly as I get the time to share more information.  I've been so lucky to work with so many customers from all across the Globe and been able to help them from developing banner designs to building their entire business online.  It's a lot of work but pretty awesome.  The key is working with the right client and team combo.  We've all had disaster projects and after looking back many times it's the client, but then the client feels the same about the vendor...either way you look at it, it's the wrong match up.  Best way to deal with (both vendor and client) is like an athlete, short term memory and move on from it.  But the most important part is the learning experiences you take - that's what improves you the most.

Anyways I went way off topic there.  I was just thinking about a post I saw from Mike Monteiro.

Anyways, here's the post about Banner Ads, 2 tips for clicks:

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