Digital Marketing Blog | Custom Creatives


Sunday, April 28, 2013

LA Lakers Going Fishing

It's sad to see the best team in basketball (maybe not this season) go out with a clean sweep by the San Antonio Spurs.  Plagued by many injuries this year and lots of inconsistent play, they pulled together to make the playoffs.  From being a top team on paper prior to the season, almost being eliminated from playoff contention, pulling off a 7 seed miracle without the best player to ever live - KB24, and now being eliminated with a clean 4-0 sweep by S.A.   Here's to next season and making some major moves.

Season of Injuries - photo take from ESPN.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Businesses on the web grow faster!

I thought this graphic below would be very interesting all business owners, entrepreneurs  marketeers, and the like.  I see this to be extremely important for Small Business Owners that want to capitalize on Local Search.  There is a clear advantage to be found online and numbers state the same.  Local business can have an advantage over larger companies, chains, and franchises since the large corporation marketing teams are centralized and focus on many locations at once.  The jack of all trades effect, where the local business owner is the master one and capitalize off their intimate knowledge of the location and market.